Dr. Simone’s Bulletin

My vision is to expand the possibilities for women around the world to mutually inspire each other, raise their assertiveness to pursue their dreams.

Step up and take space.

Over the years, I felt hmm should I really show my female side at work, in public? Nja, not so much! I never liked the idea to be reduced just to the clothes I’ve been wearing.


Psychology Practice To Podcast.

Many women I’ve encountered through the years in my practice in Shanghai, New York, Stockholm, and Zürich share similar challenges with their narcissistic partners.


Travel Diary: Working & Research.

During my years living in Shanghai I’ve worked both as a psychologist with the expat community, consulting citizen from a round the globe and taught Chinese.

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Career & Performance Work.

Working with school placement assessments since over 10 years provided me soo much joy. The families I’ve encountered over the years.

Meet Dr. Simone Schwank

Dr. Simone Schwank clinical psychologist, PhD in medical science Karolinska Institute, fellow Columbia University, New York. Founder UNE SUR CENT and @drschwank.