Intersection of medical science and psychology, research and clinical practice insights for daily life.
Global Mental Health
Mental health disorders, specifically anxiety and depression, seem to be universal conditions with similar rates in different countries.
The consequences on global mental health due to COVID-19 are significant and cause long-term impact on the global burden of disease. The pictures of over-crowded emergency rooms, lockdowns, enforced quarantines, financial uncertainties, job losses, families apart / or together too long, decision-making on multiple levels under stress, the rise in xenophobia, and the uncertainty of the future regarding school and university reopening, have all put a strain on us.
Since over a year, people around the world live under chronic stress and uncertainty. We are all not immune to the mental health effect of the pandemic and it’s important to act as researchers and public health professionals. As individuals seek support, it’s normal to feel vulnerable right now.
Reproductive Health
Reproductive decision-making. 2015 the Chinese government launched the two-child policy to counteract the demographic changes, skewed sex ratio, and decreasing number of labor force. The policy shift has significant impact on all levels of society and economy.
The factors contributing to urban Chinese women’s prolonged decision-making on whether to have a second child involved: the women’s status, career options, benefits and challenges of two children, one-child generation, governmental support, and restrictions of reproductive freedom.
Similar to the urban Chinese women’s attitude towards family planning, women around the world are struggling to combine work and family life.
The Economist has given out the glass ceiling effect. An index presenting the prevalence of women in careers and the challenges their facing in different countries.
The Classroom
Educational episodes insights from research and the clinic.
Focusing on the sensuality that is conveyed by our skin, by touch, we can dive into a different world of pleasure and seduction.
It takes trust and passion for ourselves to allow touch, being seduced, and fully present in the very moment.
Permission for Pleasure
Women, who know what they desire are more passionate in their sex life, more satisfied with their partner, and have higher self-confidence. It is a great passion of mine, to encourage women to explore their female sexuality, desires, expectations, and dreams. The more in synchrony and in touch with our desires we are, the more we demand them in our intimate relationships, the more satisfied we are with life in general.
Perinatal Health & COVID-19
The consequences on global mental health due to COVID-19 will be significant and cause long-term impact on the global burden of disease. It is important to act now, to understand what women need to cope and navigate their pregnancies in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Different cultures and healthcare systems in different study locations may have differential impacts on pregnancy outcomes.
Providing psychological first-aid & counselling are quintessential during a pandemic. It helps reducing the psychological distress and promoting adaptive coping strategies to deal with the unprecedented situation.
The Next Generation
Globally, one in six adolescents has a common mental health disorder. The WHO ranked such disorders as one of the leading causes for illness and disability in this age group. Especially now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional increase in mental health disorders is to be expected.
The research is exploring the relationship of emerging adults’ mental health well-being and social media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is part of a project investigating mental health and the effect of COVID-19 pandemic in a global context. The study
From research into clinical practice.
Reduce the population burden of mental disorders through research, training, and advocacy. Passionate about using science to overcome burden of mental health problems. Focusing on major preventable causes of health problems globally
The Fight - Flight - Freeze State of COVID-19
To grasp the scope of the emotional, physical, and economic impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19 makes people react in different ways. Some of us fight back by expressing anger outwards. Others try to flight, escape, mentally of physically from the present situation. A third group freezes, feels paralyzed and overwhelmed by the sheer flood of emotions. In this podcast, I'm talking about anxiety, how to identify it, how to cope with it, and when to seek professional help.